Archivo de noticias
Dear Settlers,
We are very happy to inform you of a major change:
No more weekly maintenance
From now on there won't be weekly downtimes anymore!
The good old worker has retired and will only return once in a while: For special scripts and game updates.
Several fix scripts will run every day around 2 CET during runtime instead of once a week during maintenance.
New game deployment time
There will also be new schedule in which the game will be updated. The exact time will still be posted in an update announcement 1 day prior, but please keep in mind that updates will be rolled out around 8:00 - 12:00 CET.
We hope you'll enjoy maintenance-free times!
Your "The Settlers Online" Team
25.01.2016Maintenance 26th of January [COMPLETE]
Dear Settlers,
The weekly maintenance will take place on Tuesday.
- Worlds: All closed
- Day: Tuesday, 26th of January
- Start: Approx. 2:00 GMT+1
- End: Approx. 9:00 GMT+1
- Adventures & Premium: Times will be extended
Please keep in mind the following:
- Event Resources will be converted into Gold Coins.
- Final Calendar Rewards will be sent during the maintenance (more info).
- The game will be updated, the changelog can be found here.
Happy Settling!
22.01.2016Guild Quest Rework: Dev Blog
Dear Settlers,
With the latest Dev Blog entry, the Gamedesign team provides insights into the development of the Guild Quest Rework.
BB_BobMoriarty provides background information in the Dev Blog.
Read the complete entry in our forums
Have much fun reading!
18.01.2016Game Update: 19th of Jan [COMPLETE]
Dear Settlers,
The weekly maintenance will take place on Tuesday.
- Worlds: All closed
- Day: Tuesday, January 19th
- Start: Approx. 2:00 GMT+1
- End: Approx. 10:00 GMT+1
- Adventures & Premium: Times will be extended
The Christmas Event resource conversion has been postponed to next week. Guild Quests will no longer be reset (more info).
Happy Settling!
14.01.2016Sneak Peek Easter 2016
Dear Settlers,
The Easter event 2016 will be available soon at
Besides the new buildings, a new female Explorer will be introduced!
Have a look at her @ our latest Sneak Peek in the forums.
Keep an eye on the test server website for more details on the version's deployment.
Have fun testing!
14.01.2016Download the slim browser version
Dear Settlers,
An alternative way to play the game is available!
The slim browser version includes all the add-ons needed and the best settings for your game. You can use your existing account, you just need to login with your website credentials.
Happy Browsing!
Your "The Settlers Online" Team
12.01.2016Actualización de los Condiciones de uso y la Política de privacidad
Queridos Settlers,
El 12 de enero 2016 actualizamos nuestras Condiciones de uso y Política de privacidad. Hemos realizado estos cambios para proporcionarle más información acerca de nuestros Servicios y para abordar los recientes cambios en las leyes y reglamentos. Para más detalles y una breve lista de todos los cambios, por favor, haz clic aquí.
Tu equipo de "The Settlers Online"
11.01.2016Maintenance: 12th of Jan [COMPLETE]
Dear Settlers,
Weekly maintenance will take place on Tuesday.
- Worlds: All closed
- Day: Tuesday, January 12th
- Start: Approx. 02:00 GMT+1
- End: Approx. 09:00 GMT+1
- Adventures Premium: Times will be extended
- Guild quests: Will be reset
All active guild members will receive 100 Guild Coins.
The Guild Coins will be sent via an in-game message during the maintenance.
- Please keep in mind that the Christmas Event will be deactivated today.
Happy Settling!
08.01.2016Forum Poll: Guild Quest rewards
Dear Settlers,
Game Design is asking for your input: Would you like to be awarded with event resources instead of guild coins during future game events?
Your invited to vote in a special forum poll.
The poll is available until Tuesday ~12:00 CET.
Happy Voting!
06.01.2016Epiphany Day
Dear Settlers,
Epiphany has arrived on your island!
While all settlers are preparing for another festive banquet, an old woman appears and delivers sacks of coal to your village. She then then disappears on her broomstick, with a chilling laugh! Have you been good this year?
You will find gifts attached to the letter in the game
Happy Settling,