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The Settlers Online

Archivo de noticias

08.06.2020Change log 16.06.2020

Dear Settlers,

This game update includes the technical implementation of this year's Summer Event, as well as new buildings and achievements!

Read more about the upcoming version in our Change Log.

Happy settling,

28.05.2020[Interaction] Cooking Class 2020

Dear Settler Cooks,
Today we have selected a very popular settler's recipe. In this spotlight, you can see a Spanish version of Piero's bowl of noodles and of course, you can cook it yourself. What do your variations look like?

Join The Cooking Class!

Join us and read more about this special interaction in our forum!

Happy Cooking,

21.05.2020Mini-event: Co-op adventures!

Dear Adventurer,
Let's #settletogether and enjoy a +100% boost on all resources, refills and experience points for the next week! Get your friends, family or guildmates together and explore the vast variety of coop adventures.

  • What: Co-op adventures boost
  • When: May 21st - May 31st
  • Which: Buccaneer Roundup, The Siege, Raiding The Raiders, Lakeside Treasure, Tomb Raiders, Whirlwind, Split City in Summer and "Split City in Fall

Happy settling!

18.05.2020Wait with the upgrade of the Barracks!

Dear Settlers,

With this game update, we implemented new upgrade levels to a variety of buildings. This includes the Barracks, which can now also be upgraded to Level 7. While you will probably want to start it as soon as possible, we strongly urge you to wait until the end of this month! You may need some additional recruitment in the very near future.

Wait with the upgrade of the Barracks!

More details to follow later week!

Happy settling,

18.05.2020Game Update 19.05.2020 [done]

Dear Settlers,

A game update is scheduled for Tuesday.

During this time, the game will be closed.

Game Update

  • Day: Tuesday, May 19th
  • Game World: Closed
  • Start: Approx. 08:00 CEST
  • End: Approx. 12:00 CEST
  • Adventures & Premium: Times will be extended

A change log can be found here.



14.05.2020Happy 8th birthday Tierras Salvajes!

Greetings Settlers,

It is now eight years since The Settlers Online in first opened its gates from Open Beta in Spain! Be sure to check your in-game mail when you log in for a gift package from your The Settlers Online team!

Some gifts!

Thank you for playing and we hope you continue to enjoy the game!

Happy Settling!
Your "The Settlers Online" Team

11.05.2020Change log 19.05.2020

Dear Settlers,

This game update includes new 75+ quests, daily quests, Sunflower Farm and another batch of Level 7 building upgrades!

Read more about the upcoming version in our Change Log.

Happy settling,

08.05.2020[Interaction] Cooking Class 2020

Dear Soup-A-Stars,
This time a french recipe was sent in and chosen; ever wondered how an easy to make but aroma-tastic "Good Weather Charm" could look like?
With this creation Settler "theia71" truly brings the sun out. Yummy!

Join The Cooking Class!

Join us and read more about this special interaction in our forum!

Happy Cooking,

01.05.2020Holiday gifts!

Dear players,

The settlers in your kingdom made lots of preparation to celebrate today's occasion. Take time to indulge, sit back and relax. Enjoy the gathering with family and friends!

Some gifts! A gift package has been sent in-game.

Happy Settling!

23.04.2020Forum Spotlight: Minael

Dear Settlers,

Look at this awesome creation. Not only did Minael create a building, he also made "Settlers" eggs and.. guess what? A dragon egg!! Really cool!


Check it out on the forum!

Happy Settling!

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Atención: ¿País incorrecto?

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Hello, The Settlers Online is also available in your country. If you would like to play there, please click here. If you prefer to play here please ignore this message.

Hola, The Settlers Online también está disponible en tu país. Si quieres jugar ahí, haz clic aquí. Si quieres jugar en EE.UU., ignora este mensaje.
